David Gray is an award-winning Vancouver fine art photographer.

David was born and raised in North Carolina. His first exposure to fine art photography was in the transformative summer of 1973 at Penland School of Craft where he studied with Evon Streetman, Oscar Bailey, Betty Hahn and Michael Becotte. David graduated Summa Cum Laude from Eckerd College with a BA in Art History and Filmmaking. He went on to attend ArtCenter College of Design in Los Angeles and afterwards launched his first studio in L.A., shooting celebrities, fashion and musical groups while still serving as Assistant and Master Printer for several of California’s most notable photographers.

Following his move to Canada in 1980, David grew to become the perennial go-to photographer for numerous top-tier television series, magazines, corporations and ad agencies. His fine art work was always paramount, however, as he continued to exhibit internationally. His first solo show was at The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art. Recent accomplishments have included feature articles in All-About-Photo, Shadow and Light, Float, Black and White and Photoed magazines, selections by PX3, IPA, the New York Photography, MonoVisions, reFocus, Spider and ND Awards, as well as inclusions in juried exhibitions at PhotoPlace Gallery and the Southeast Center for Photography. Driven to reveal new ways of seeing abstract shapes and patterns in nature, he has always maintained a passion for uncluttered design, rich tonal range and the finely-crafted print. His love of black and white was influenced first by Ansel Adams and his followers and has evolved over the years to take new advances in image-making into account. These days, David has an analogue eye and a digital toolbox.

Beyond the lens, David is a dog whisperer, playlist curator, avid photography collector, and is on a mission to find new audiences for his contemplative work.

Image Shot at Buvette